Explanation of each tag
If you got confused by some of the game's tags, here is a full explanation of each one.
- best-of - the absolute pinnacle of the games being showcased, with unique artstyle, interesting gameplay, and (if necessary) captivating story
- ags - made in the Adventure Game Studio engine
- wintermute-engine - made in the Wintermute Engine, made for point'n'click games
- game-maker - made in Game Maker
- flash - made in Flash
- 3D - in 3D
- short - only takes a few minutes to beat, half an hour at most
- long - may take several hours
- casual - so simple it could be enjoyed even by people who have never played video games
- difficult - may require serious experience in the genre to grasp, and even then it is difficult
- itch-io - available on the itch.io website
- FOSS - free and open source software, with the code available to be edited as you please
- slovak-only - only available in the slovak language
- czech-only - only available in the czech language
- botched-english - the english translation is almost unreadable or loses a lot of the game's points
- dub - fully or partially voice acted
- multilang - available in 4 or more languages
- demo - not a full game, only a demo version. the full version might exist as a commercial release or might not be finished.
- web-only - this game is not downloadable, and only available through the web. i will only include truly outstanding games of this sort, as i believe games being downloadable is right for all freeware.
- becherovkagame - this game was created for the czech "becherovka game" competition made to promote the liquor