Tutorial - stars - use the lighter on the angry box while he is sleeping 1. Witch - stars - ??? - solutions - use salty water on lock - use lasdder on lock (there is a star here, i dont know how to get it) - use ladder on shelf to get password, then use it in mirror to read it - poison mouse in cauldron and give it to cat - throw salt at freckles, then give it mouse 2. Jester - stars - tickle jester with moustache - melt star cube with bought acid - use makeshift lighter (glasses + laser) on jester - solutions - eat fairy floss (keep convincing box) - buy spray and use on floss - buy acid and use on floss - make makeshift lighter from glasses + laser, use on floss - make disguise with glasses + moustache, get another ticket from jester, buy bomb, use bomb on floss - make disguise with glasses + moustache, get another ticket from jester, buy acid and spray, combine acid and spray, use acid spray on jester - make disguise with glasses + moustache, get another ticket from jester, buy bomb, use laser on jester to blind him, give bomb to jester 3. Pirate - stars - use the sword on the boat - ?? - ?? - solutions - make the pelican fly you - use bark on boat - combine cursed coin and treasure, give to pirate - use cursed coin on sword, use flaming sword on pirate - use sword on tree, use coconut on pirate (or combine with sword), use coconut oil on pirate - use sword on tree, use coconut on pirate (or combine with sword), use coconut oil on tree, use cursed coin on tree - use sword on bark, give to pelican - use sword on pirate, then throw coconut at him - use sword on pirate, then throw cursed coin at him