The Pack of Cards ___ / /\ __/__/__\__ / /\ / /\ __/__/__\_/__/__\__ / /\ / /\ / /\ /__/__\ /__/__\ /__/__\ - There was a pack of cards laying on a table near a window. A boy came by and carefully built a small tower out of them. "Haha, I am your leader now, for I am on top!" said the top card. "No, we are on the bottom, we hold you all up, we deserve the most recognition!" said the ones on the bottom. "We are at the cores of the structure, the center of all this!" said the ones in the middle. And so they bickered and bickered, until the boy heard them, and, in frustration, he threw the pack of cards out the window, and the wind blew them into the sty. There, in the mud, they were all on the same level again. And a pig sat on them.