How a Boar and a Deer Wrote an Encyclopedia \_ _/_ / \___/ |O O| ^----^ /\._./\ / O__O \ | | | /oo\ | -------------------------- |ɟo sǝᴉɔǝbs|sʎnɓ ʇɐǝɹɓ | |ɐ ǝɹɐ ɹǝǝᗡ| ǝɹɐ ɹɐoᗺ| | ᴚƎƎᗡ | ᴚ∀Oᗺ | -------------------------- - A boar and a deer once met up in a forest one morning, and they decided to write a book together - the true proper encyclopedia of the forest. And so they started writing. The deer wrote of his kind, and the mountains, and the green plains. And the boar wrote of dirt, mushrooms, truffles, and all kinds of ground-level things the deer didn't know about. "No, no, you are missing the most important of all! Us predators!" spoke a wolf as he came out of hiding. "An encyclopedia of everything needs to have us, wolves, too!" And so the deer and the boar wrote of wolves and other predators. "What about us?" said a dove flying down from the sky. "We matter too! You have to write of the birds, the clouds, the sky and the wind!" And so they did. Then, a fish started jumping out the nearby river. "What about us, what about us?" And so they wrote of the fish and rivers. It came to pass that by evening, every animal in the forest was around them, giving suggestions of more things to put in the book. Just as they were about to finish, a group of ants came out the ground, asking they put all the bugs in. The deer and the boar were flustered and full of anger. They threw the book into the river, where it flew away from them all. The boar and the deer split up, noting that writing the biggest encyclopedia of all is the dumbest idea of all. The book was passing down the river. An old man in rags was walking by. He saw the book, picked it up, and put it in his bag.