The Big Turban OOOO OOOOOO OOOOOOOO OOOOO \O .......... |- ....++++.... / \ ..++++++... ---------- ..+++..... -------- ......... ------ - There was once an emperor who thought twice the hat meant twice the man. And so he ordered to have all kinds of beautiful silks and cloth brought in and ordered his clothmakers to sew them all together so that he may have the biggest turban of all. And so they did, and there was barely enough space in his chambers to hold all of it. But, for him, it was not enough, so he ordered all other turbans in the kingdom be brought to him and sewn to his. So they did, and his turban was now too big to fit into the castle. But, for him, it was not enough, so he had all the rest of the expensive cloth in the kingdom brought in by force. They were all sewn together, and the turban was now so large, the emperor could barely hold it on his head. The emperor was finally overjoyed and called everyone to witness the great reveal of his big turban. The people gathered under a large cliff where he was to stand. When he came up, the turban cast a shadow on all the people. The turban made the emperor unable to see, but he could hear the gasping of people, and it filled him with joy. He brought his hands up. "Witness the new--" and as he was about to begin a speech, he lost his balance, and fell off the cliff. He was dead. People collected their old clothes back from the hat, and only after everything was gone, they discovered he was bald.