========================== DISCOVERIES ========================== The universe is a sludge of data that can be interpreted in different ways. Imagine a disc with some data on it, one computer might read it one way, another might interpret it completely differently. One of the interpretations is the world you are in. It consists of billions of impulses - most invisible to us. The ones we act upon become apparent to us. This is why you might suddenly notice something and then start seeing it everywhere. This is why when you ignore an urge, it will come back less and less apparent. Spiritual information can exist - souls are real, magic is real, demons are real. In art, there is some abstract "goo" that holds it together. It is achieved through spontaneity. It cannot be described concretely. It is what differs creation for the sake of creation and true art. It contains part of our soul. Everything has a positive, negative, and third, "mystical" element to it. When you get a thought to do something, do it immediately if you can. Otherwise, you are teaching yourself to linger with decisions. There are bad impulses - subconciously train yourself to get less. You will not have to "sift through" dozens of impulses. ========================== RULES OF MAKING GAMES ========================== 1. Art is like the most brilliant drug - it creates journeys beyond the edge of the world, but it lets you always come back. 2. Explaining a piece of art is like explaining a joke, the experience is lost. Art runs through your fingers if you try to grasp it - understanding it directly loses the point. 3. Art of crude nature with character is the true meaning. Polished art goes against the nature of the universe. 4. What makes art beautiful is the mystery and the the missing pieces. Things you may see as mistakes may be beautiful to someone, even you one day. 1. Do not mention a game before it is out - you would rob yourself of the true reaction 2. Engage yourself again with extra stuff and new ideas when you are tired 3. Art is the product of happiness - keep things that bring joy. Art that portrays darkness can be beautiful, but it must not praise the darkness and wallow in it. Depression should never be necessary for your art. ========================== THING I LOVE ========================== My wife Idealism We can never have a proper view of our reality without fantasy. We cannot create ideas or imagine various styles of living without dreaming, we cannot even feel sympathy for others without imagination. Only by believing in an ideal can you progress towards it. Fantasy We have to accept other worlds / fantasy worlds to better understand our own. Art Art is magic. It can transform those who understand it for the better. Veganism As long as an animal is capable of kindness, it shouldn't be hurt. Cooking You can make a good basic universal recipe anywhere and feel at home :) Individualism ========================== THING I DISLIKE ========================== Competitiveness/Cult of Productivity I see people hurl towards their goals without taking a moment to pause and understand what they are doing or why they are doing it - that they end up completely swallowed by their goals. This is why there are so many people are working and "on the grind", yet producing nothing of value. Competitiveness kills people's souls. Suffering Never fall in love with your suffering, or the suffering and denounciation of pleasure becomes a pleasure in itself. Hate, spite, and fear Tool of distraction. Hiveminds Advertising It is not an art, it is a craft (created with the "function" of earning money). The point of art is honesty. The point of advertising is lying - convincing people that they needs something which they don't. Jerking off The orgasm lasts a few minutes at most, and the prep turns a human into an idiot. Sex without intimacy is grotesque. Intimacy is achieved through close friendship, and it implies restraint. I find porn a bit grotesque, like feeling pleasure from watching another person poo. Quoting Distilling an entire human being into a blurb of words, without context. one may say something but mean the complete opposite, or be speaking in riddles, or may be lying. such is the nature and beauty of language. actions speak louder than words. i will never trust a person based only on their words. Anime I find japan's greatest contributions to art to be in things that do not have an anime artstyle. Tattoos I find them degrading, sometimes purposely subconcious signalling of percieved low value of one's own body. It feels like those tribes where the women wear baskets of fruits on their heads and such. Clothes and whatever you have on your body should make you feel comfortable or be practical. Suits, body mods and tattoos are neither. The english language When you hear a word, you cannot immediately tell how to write it. Learning to speak and write the language are two separate processes, doubling the length of learning. Imagine if the shape of a heart sometimes meant "frog". Fixed word order makes you have to think out sentences, little spontaneity. Combined with the difficult pronunciation rules, the language is schizophrenic in nature. Inorganic memes Memes created as propaganda / intended to push a message instead of entertainment Copyleft licenses They only restrict those willing to follow the rules. AFAIK there is no authentic way to deduce source code from a compiled program. Bad parenting Parents do not deserve congratulations for giving their children food and leaving them in front of the TV/PC. Parents can possess the behavior of children. To game for a bad parent's approval is to go down an endless rabbit hole that will control your life. It wasn't one's decision to be born, and those who brought it upon should take full responsibility. Frogposters Vapid idiots, male version of "roastie"