Ponderer's Lake of Wonders (2022)

  1. Ponderer's
  2. Lake
  3. of
  4. Wonders
  5. Bonus

Ghostrider Bushnet (2021)

  1. Piano Setting 57
  2. Bumk
  3. Soup
  4. Song of Ancient Folk
  5. Bumk 2
  6. Ancient Temple of GOD
  7. Pirate Shark Man Bomba
  8. Sip of the Bubkis
  9. Tragedy of the Bushnet
  10. Goodnight

Other Songs

Microwave My Oven Olson | Pharaoh's Cat's Funeral | Abandoned Flowers | Bawna | Crystal Soul | Dark Rain Spell | Joyful March | Wonders and Problems